Blog tentang Guru, Tenaga Kependidikan, Kepegawaian, siswa dan Madrasah/Sekolah
Saturday, August 29, 2009
SBY has Supersemar Document Traced Back
Chat whit Mona Lisa
A digital version of the work is the star attraction in a new exhibition of classic artworks recreated in multimedia form in Beijing.
Exhibition organiser Wang Hui spent two years preparing the collection.
He says it is the first time 3D, holographic and voice recognition technologies have been fused like this.
Visitors can also listen to Jesus Christ talking to his disciples and watch him move around the table of The Last Supper, while life-sized replica statues of Roman and Greek gods and goddesses strike provocative poses in a multimedia play.
Amazing art
Fine art graduate Zhao Yuanzhi was impressed by his visit.
"In studios, they're all stationary, but here they are alive and moving around," he said. "It's surprising and vivid."
The Mona Lisa is also programmed to answer questions about her mysterious smile and to talk about her life.
The World Classic Interactive Arts Exhibition is set to run in Beijing for three months.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
1. What is Blog {Apa itu Blog ?}
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
Residents of Siberut, West Sumatra left their homes for a nearby hill after an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale hit the island on Sunday.
A local non governmental activist, Darmanto, said the residents feared that a tsunami will follow the earthquake.
"We strongly felt the tremor, and then residents ran away to the hill," he said.
Four people in Padang were reportedly injured due to the earthquake, which was followed by at least two aftershocks.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Taiwan seeks foreign aid
TAIPEI, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Taiwan leaders, already under fire over the response to a typhoon that likely killed hundreds, have accepted foreign aid after earlier refusing the offers, officials said on Saturday, as the president apologised.
Trying to repair its image after Typhoon Morakot caused widespread landslides in southern Taiwan, the government on Friday asked major world donors for equipment, a foreign ministry official said. Aid offers were initially refused on Tuesday.
"In our first message, we said we didn't need help, just money," said Joanne Ou, head of the ministry's publicity section. "But on (Thursday) the ministry asked the disaster centre what we needed. We asked them for a list."
Local media, reflecting public sentiment, bashed the government for declining aid earlier in the week.
The ministry has approached Japan, the United States and European countries for supplies such as large helicopters and mobile homes, Ou said.
Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou, pressured by the public over his response to the typhoon damage, on Friday estimated the eventual death toll at more than 500, mostly people feared buried in a massive landslide in one mountain village.
Survivors and Taiwan's main opposition party have accused Ma of responding too slowly to the typhoon that hit last weekend, the island's worst since 1959. The official death toll is 123.
Ma, touring a disaster area in central Taiwan, apologised on Saturday.
"Ma said the government response was a bit slow and expressed apologies for that," his spokesman Tony Wang said.
Sustained pressure on Ma, who was elected in 2008, could drain support for his Nationalist Party (KMT) in city and county elections in December, analysts say.
The foreign aid snafu pointed to poor communication between government offices and may be remembered, said Alexander Huang, strategic studies professor at Tamkang University in Taipei.
"The problem throughout is that people in government are sticking with day-to-day, non-crisis management instead of common sense," Huang said.
Six countries, including China and the United States, have pledged aid, including expert damage assessment and water filtration tools.
More than 35,000 people from disaster areas in southern Taiwan have been rescued, the National Fire Agency said.
But in the worst-hit village, Hsiao Lin, it was unlikely that anyone trapped on Monday in a massive landslide had survived, local officials said. [ID:nSP319394]
Rescue crews have been told to focus on survivors and sending in food rather than digging for bodies, said Hu Jui-chou, an army major general involved in the rescue effort.
"I was there yesterday, and it looked like a valley full of rocks and mud," he said.
Morakot, which passed over Taiwan last weekend, has caused about T$11.8 billion ($360 million) in agricultural losses and damaged more than 250 road segments, requiring years to repair. (Editing by Bill Tarrant)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
H1N1 virus the enemy to beat at World Badminton Championships
The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Tue, 08/11/2009 8:20 PM | Sports
After the terror threats, the world’s top badminton players competing in Hyderabad, India are now facing a real battle against H1N1 virus.
Malaysian doubles coach Jeremy Gan is receiving intensive medical treatment at a local hospital after he was admitted there with symptoms of H1N1 infection two days ago.
Badminton World Federation’s chief operating officer Thomas Lund told reporters Tuesday the world badminton body was waiting for the results of a medical examination on the coach, which would be announced in two days, Antara state news agency reported.
The organizers said they had taken all precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus among the players and officials.
Gan was rushed to hospital after the Malaysian team doctor was unable to alleviate his fever and flu.
Malaysia’s Indonesian coach Rexy Mainaky said his colleague had looked sick ever since they arrived in Hyderabad on Saturday. “Before the Indian outing, he accompanied his players to a tournament in Thailand. I don’t know why he fell sick,” Rexy said.
Security has been tightened at the venue of the World Championships following a threat from the Lashkar-e-Taiba group to launch an attack by Aug. 15. England withdrew from the tournament because of the security threat.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
News focus: intensified hunt of terrorists leads to successful raids
By Fardah
At least three terrorists were believed to have been killed, and one was reportedly arrested, in the raids in Jatiasih, Bekasi, West Java, and Temanggung District, Central Java, on Saturday morning.
Noordin M Top, fugitive Malaysian-born terrorist, was believed to have been killed in the raid in Temanggung, but until Saturday noon the Indonesian police have not yet officially confirmed his death.
After a 17-hour siege, anti-terror police at 9.30 am local time raided a house believed to be a terrorist (most likely Noordin M Top) hideout at Beji village in the Kedu region of Temanggung District.
The raid was carried out after at least five explosions were heard happening in the house. Police officers entered the house and fired profusely inside the house while other policemen surrounded the house and opened its windows by force. Before breaking into the house, the police fired repeatedly at the house from a nearby hill.
The Indonesian government was determined to intensify efforts to find Noordin M Top following the bombings of two hotels in the Mega Kuningan area in Jakarta last July 17, 2009, which killed nine people and injured 53 others.
Based on the findings and modus operandi of the bomb blasts, Noordin M Top and his network were suspected to have been behind the bombings.
Azahari Husin and Noordin M Top, both Malaysian nationals, were believed to have masterminded the Marriott Hotel bombing in Jakarta on August 5, 2003 which killed 12 people, and injured 147 others.
Azahari was killed in a police raid in East Java in November 2005 but Noording M Top who was with him was able to escape.
Dr Azahari and his associate Noordin Mohammad Top, a terror coordinator of the Al-Qaeda-linked Southeast Asian branch of the Jemaah Islamiyah militant network, are also believed to have masterminded a series of major terrorist acts in Indonesia, including the Bali bombings in 2002, a deadly blast at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2004, and bombings in Bali in October 2005 that killed more than 220 people.
Raid in Bekasi,
Meanwhile, two terrorists were shot dead by police officers of the Densus-88 anti terror unit at the Puri Nusaphala housing complex in Jatiasih, Bekasi, Saturday morning.
"They were shot because they were about to throw bombs at the police," National Police Chief General Bambang Hendarso Danuri said as quoted by Brigadier General Sulistyo Ishak, a police spokesman.
However, the police who had surrounded the terrorists` house since 5 pm local time on Friday, could not confirm whether the bomb was a grenade or home-made bomb.
The fatal shooting was necessary because the two terrorists had threatened the lives of the police officers, he said. The dead terrorist were identified as Eko Joko Supriyanto and Air Setiawan.
Police suspected that they were involved in several terrorism crimes including the bombing of JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in the Mega Kuningan area, Jakarta, last July 17, 2009.
The anti-terror policemen also found hundreds of kilograms of explosive materials and a car near the house. "They Were preparing another car bomb attack to be carried out in the next two weeks," Danuri said. One of their targets was believed to be President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s residence in Cikeas, which is not too far from the terrorists' hideout in Jatiasih.
Prior to the Saturday raids, police made a number of arrests of terrorist suspects including in Temanggung and and North Jakarta.
However, Ansyaad Mbai, head of the anti-terror desk at the coordinating ministry for political, legal and security affairs, said in Jakarta on Saturday that the threat of terrorism still exists despite the (unconfirmed) death of Malaysian-born terrorist M Noordin M Top in a police raid in Temanggung.
"His presence in Indonesia for such a long time with a series of terrorist actions carried out up to July 2009, shows that Noordin has continued to build up his power base in the form of cells. It would therefore not be correct to assume that with his death, his entire terror network has been paralyzed. Moreover, many terrorist suspects related to Noordin M Top and Dr Azahari were still at large, he said.
"The skills of the Noordin M Top group in making bombs have continued to be developed as can be seen from their modus operandi ... these skills, of course, have also been acquired by members of the cells which have been built up for a long time at least over the past four years," he said.
Therefore, although Noordin M Top was reportedly dead, all parties must continue to be on alert to the threat of terrorism in any form.
Ansyaad Mbai recently said on a separate occasion that although over the past four years there no terrorist actions occurred in Indonesia, Noordin M Top and his network cells continued to consolidate themselves actively despite the security agencies` successes in tracing and arresting Noordin M Top`s men.
"Friday (July 17)`s incident proves that they are still strong. Arresting Noordin M Top, the actor, should now be the priority. As long as the actor is still at large, all anticipative measures will be useless," he said.
Over the past few weeks, security agencies had traced and detained a number of people in areas believed to be the hideouts of Noordin M Top and his men, such as Cilacap (Central Java), Lampung and Malang (East Java).
One of the terrorist suspects captured recently was Syaefudin Zuhri who was arrested in Cilacap in June 2009.
Indonesia continued to communicate and coordinate with the government and security personnel of Malaysia, and several other others, to look for and arrest Noordin M Top, Inspector General Ansyaad Mbai said recently.
The security personnel have also expanded the coverage of their search, not only in Java and Sumatra, but also in the country`s other regions. A lot of posters and banners depicting Noordin's faces in various possible modifications, have been distributed and posted throughout Indonesia.
In Brebes, central Java, for instance, police have erected a 4-m x 6-m billboard with fugitive terror suspect Nurdin Muhammad Top`s countenance on it at the Central Java - West Java border.
Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono said in Jakarta recently Police remain the main element in fighting terrorism, despite the establishment of anti-terrorism desks at military regional commands throughout Indonesia.
He said the efforts to fight terrorism must be conducted by all parties including civilians, and related institutions in the central government and regions. At present, the coordinating ministry for political, legal and security affairs has a counter terrorism desk.
Following the bombings in Jakarta last July 2009, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had instructed the chiefs of the National Police (Polri) and the National Defende Forced (TNI) as well as governors and district heads across the country to increase vigilance against possible recurrence of terrorist acts.
"The law enforcers must be able to find the perpetrators or the masterminds behind the incidents," he said.
"I swear in the name of the people and the government that we will take stern and appropriate actions against the perpetrators and masterminds of the bombing incidents," the head of state said, adding "today (Friday) marks a dark spot in our history. The bombings were committed by terrorists".
If it is confirmed that Noordin M Top was killed in the police raid in Temanggung, the country`s security agencies should be praised for their hard work and success in eliminating the two most wanted terrorists in Indonesia , namely Noordin and Dr Azahari.(*)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
this phrase became top 50 in hot trends today. This is Indonesian language. "Mbah Surip" meninggal means Mbah Surip die. But who is Mbah Surip ? and why Mbah Surip meninggal die ?. Mbah Surip is one of Indonesian phenomenal singer ini 2009. His song, called "Tak Gendong" became the most downloaded ring back tone. in Indonesia.
Today, August 4th, 2009 10.30 a.m Mbah Surip Die because heart attack. But the rumors spread tha Mbah Surip die because over perform that make him so tired. Mbah Surip just became a famous and popular artist in last 3 months. when Mbah Surip 60 years ol (but 46 years old in his ID card).
mbah surip meninggal
Mbah Surip was famous with his wierd style and wierd laugh. But Mbah Surip has low profile, even Mbah Surip was Master of Business Administration. His quote : "I LOVE YOU FULL" alsa very famoes, now everybody said "I love You Full" in Indonesia when they remember Mbah Surip.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Health officials also said Monday that New Jersey will receive $10 million in federal funds to help it prepare for a possible pandemic.
Gov. Jon S. Corzine said the state Department of Health and Human Services will get $7.4 million for local, county and state preparedness for the virus. An additional $2.6 million will be used to prepare a response to any surge of flu patients.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is providing the funding as part of $350 million in grants to help fight the flu nationwide.
Strategies to fight the flu include everything from vaccinating pregnant women first to administering vaccines to children in classrooms across the region.
Last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended pregnant women should be among the first people to get vaccinated. Government researchers said pregnant women could account for 13 percent of deaths related to swine flu, even though they only make up about 1 percent of the total U.S. population.
A pregnant woman's physiology changes while she's carrying a fetus, meaning her body doesn't fight off diseases and viruses the same way as when she is not pregnant. Viruses also have the potential to cause harm to the unborn baby.
"Clearly, there's a benefit for pregnant women at all stages (of pregnancy) to be vaccinated," said Dr. Daniel Morgan, an obstetrician and gynecologist associated with Shore Memorial Hospital in Somers Point.
While pregnant women need to be concerned about the virus, Morgan said British and Swiss health officials who are recommending women not get pregnant until the pandemic has passed are on the extreme side, and that he wouldn't recommend that to his patients.
Vaccinating early, often
In addition to expectant mothers, all children from 6 months to 24 years old should be among the first to get the H1N1 vaccine, according to the CDC.
The original recommendation went up to 18 years of age, but the new recommendations are forcing places such as Atlantic County to plan differently. For example, the students of the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in Galloway Township are now a part of the recommended group, according to Atlantic County Health Office Patricia Diamond.
The health departments in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland and Ocean counties have all been meeting with school districts to figure out how to distribute the vaccine to the students and what the schools can do to monitor the process.
In addition to schools administering the vaccine, school nurses might be enlisted by the state to help administer them out elsewhere.
The region is preparing for an earlier seasonal-flu vaccination period, according to Leslie Terjesen, a spokeswoman for the Ocean County Health Department.
Seasonal-flu vaccinations could begin in September in parts of southern New Jersey if a vaccine for seasonal flu is ready. The seasonal-flu vaccine is separate from the H1N1 vaccine, and county health officials are recommending that those at risk receive both.
"We're going to move up the period for seasonal-flu (vaccinations) just to get used to the flow," Terjesen said. The H1N1 vaccines are expected to be in late October if the current tests go as planned.
The most at-risk groups include personnel in the health care and emergency medical service and people between the ages of 25 and 64 who have underlying medical conditions that put them at risk for complications of the virus.
'More intense in the city'
Preparing for more cases of swine flu also means understanding local populations. In Cape May county, higher populations of seasonal visitors and senior citizens means the county has to be prepared to handle swine flu differently.
Seasonal visitors have to be able to have the same access that locals have to the vaccine, and senior citizens need to be educated on what to do in the event of more widespread swine flu, according to Cape May County Health Officer Kevin Thomas.
There are also areas where the population is highly concentrated, such as Atlantic City, Bridgeton and Vineland. While the same groups of people need to be vaccinated in these cities, the potential for the virus to spread faster is greater because of people living in close quarters with one another.
"Atlantic City is a vulnerable population," said Ron Cash, the Atlantic City health officer. "It's not any different, it's just more intense in the city."
Cash said many of the casino employees also live in Atlantic City. He has asked the casinos to make sure their health care workers are available to give out vaccinations, since the city's health department will have to handle the rest of the city's residents.
Because of the increased need for vaccinations, county health departments are also enlisting the help of the Medical Reserve Corps. The counties are offering classes on how to give vaccinations for those who are qualified.
Forming a plan
A vaccine for the virus is being tested this month in sites across the country, but the nearest testing site to New Jersey is in Baltimore. The H1N1 vaccine comes in two doses that are administered 28 days apart.
The CDC predicted that as much as 40 percent of the country's population could get sick from the virus over the next two years if no vaccine was being developed and no other preventative measures were taken.
"It's all going to be predicated on what the virus does between now and the fall," said Vineland Health Officer George Sartorio.
Health officials already know the virus is widespread in New Jersey, with hospitalized cases confirmed in all 21 counties. As of Wednesday, 960 hospitalized cases were confirmed by the state's Department of Health and Senior Services, or DHSS, with 15 deaths related to the swine flu virus.
The actual number of cases in New Jersey is much higher, according to Dr. Susan Walsh, deputy commissioner of public health services for the state's DHSS, since not all people with cases of swine flu are hospitalized. The hospitalized cases receive blood tests that confirm the presence of the H1N1 virus.
A computerized approach
New Jersey's DHSS is trying to determine the best way to make sure everyone who gets vaccinated receives both doses of the vaccine. A computerized system is being considered so that patients wouldn't have to return to exactly the same location to receive the two vaccinations.
"We're going to be as flexible as we can," Walsh said.
Some local health officials are questioning the computerized approach. A system crash could result in longer waiting times for those receiving the vaccine, according to Herb Roeschke, public health coordinator for the Cumberland County Public Health Department.
"I'm not sure it's going to be as much of an asset as the state might envision," Roeschke said.
New Jersey will hold a statewide Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Summit for health officials Aug. 20 and 21.